There has always been a great deal of pride in saying ‘Manufactured in the UK’ and the UK has a long and proud history of manufacturing and engineering excellence; it continues to be a world leader in many fields of technology and innovation.

Did you know?

  • The UK is the ninth largest manufacturing nation in the world, with an annual output of £183 billion. It accounts for 10% of the UK’s economic output and 45% of its exports.
  • The UK has some of the best engineering schools in the world, with four universities ranked in the top 10 globally for mechanical, aeronautical, and manufacturing engineering. The University of Cambridge is ranked third in the world, followed by Imperial College London (sixth), University of Oxford (seventh) and University of Manchester (ninth).
  • The UK is a hub of innovation and research and development in manufacturing and engineering, with strengths in sectors such as aerospace, automotive, biotechnology, renewable energy, robotics, and advanced materials. The UK spends 1.7% of its GDP on R&D and has the third highest number of Nobel Prize winners in science.

75 years of UK manufacturing

Peppers is proud of our contribution to the UK manufacturing supply chain. Our products are renowned for the highest quality, backed by the best customer service and we’re honoured to help wave the flag for UK manufacturing.